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"cow friendly" whilst showing a picture of a cow in a cage. Fuck dairy.

Picture any human on a toilet and it'll effectively also be a "human in a cage". What's the difference?

To an outsider, the metal bars remind of both human jails and stacked chicken cages.

It’s not easy to realize that they have to look like jail cell bars in order to avoid being damaged by the cow, and it’s not well-known that cows are taught to enter metal frames for food and such to let human work on and around them occur more safely.

Humans don’t as often need metal bars to avoid knocking the bathroom walls down, but when we need metal bars for support (ADA bathrooms), they look a lot like the cow bars.

Wow. See what you want to see. There's no cage. It's a voluntary system for cows.

I control all of your food, and only give you access to it at 3pm. When you come to eat at 3pm I also remove your bodily fluids for resale. You can deny me your bodily fluids only by not eating. Would you describe that as a voluntary arrangement?

I think most would volunteer their bodily fluids for free food

The cows will literally die in a very painful manner if you don't milk them.

Personally I don't do dairy products, but this is going to be great news for fertilizers containing manure.

How else do you suggest you align the cow onto the toilet itself? Cows are not potty-trained.

The cow voluntarily goes into the cage to get fed. Then it goes back out into the field. It's not like this cow lives it's life in that cage

Not just a cage, but one that barely fits them. Fuck dairy.

Watch the video.

The cow enters the cage voluntarily when it wants to eat. When it's done it leaves the cage.

The cage is just there to position the cow correctly over the toilet.

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