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That's a fair point about the NATO! Didn't mean to marginalize it, but there's only so many words to a sufferable HN comment.

It's true that today's EU was only established in 1992/93, but it is the result of a very long process of European integration starting in ECSC in 1951 and the EEC in 1957. Cooperation between Germany and France started remarkably early after World War II. A few years earlier, they could not have been more bitter enemies.

I agree with you and would say that the EU is utterly useless in a military conflict, precisely because there has always been the NATO to fall back on. This might change in the future as the US is becoming less reliable and more isolationist from a German standpoint at least, then again, there might be no political power capable of reforming the EU further right now.

In short, I think the EU helps Europe have internal peace. For everything else, I am glad to sit under a nuclear umbrella.

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