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how many of these applications care about network transparency, which was one of the original headline features of X? How many of them care about ICCCM compliance? How many of them care about X at all? The answer to all of those questions, of course, is "very few"

What an odd, contrived, series of questions. With X anybody can use pretty much any app over the network by default. This one in particular is very odd:

how many of these applications care about network transparency

How many _applications_ care? Who knows! I care about network transparency. I want to run my app where my data is. That's pretty much the killer feature of X.

I've always loved X. When I was first introduced to Unix (DEC) a little more than 10 years ago, it absolutely stood out as the killer feature. It still does (although apt-get is now a close second). The _only_ issue with X is audio, and I think that is its achilles heel. I know there are workarounds, but any other client-server windowing system must include audio natively for it to be a viable replacement.

Considering that you can do all of those things today on Windows using RDP just as well (I'd say even better) than you can on a Linux system using RDP, it seems like all we need is a good RDP server for Wayland?

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