- Teach me to code: http://teachmetocode.com/
- Lernivore: (this is an aggregator) http://learnivore.com/
Even they are not rails specific I found this interesting:
- Katacasts: http://katacasts.com/
- Remi: http://remi.org/ (I think he has stop uploading anything new)
- Vimcast: http://vimcasts.org/
- Ruby Pulse: http://rubypulse.com/
I also like to check out Confreaks to see the sessions of some conferences
- Teach me to code: http://teachmetocode.com/
- Lernivore: (this is an aggregator) http://learnivore.com/
Even they are not rails specific I found this interesting:
- Katacasts: http://katacasts.com/
- Remi: http://remi.org/ (I think he has stop uploading anything new)
- Vimcast: http://vimcasts.org/
- Ruby Pulse: http://rubypulse.com/
I also like to check out Confreaks to see the sessions of some conferences