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LibGyro – Low-Level Multimedia API (github.com/libgyro)
8 points by libGyro on Jan 18, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I have browsed the source code and the project's commit messages, but frankly it didn't leave a good impression on me with so much cursing and swearing in the logs. It would help to have an actual README file in place too - the one on Github is empty. Which architectures besides the DreamCast (mentioned in some of the commit logs) are targeted by this implementation?

Almost like... this was a private repository that was literally just stolen. A DCMA complaint has been filed. This man literally stole my own work of several years, which wasn't even ready to go open source, and decided to take credit for it.

Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and Raspberry Pi are valid targets

This is my work that I've been working on the last several years. I was not ready to release it open source, and this idiot just proceeded to steal it from an internal repository and POST IT UNDER HIS OWN NAME WITH ALL OF HIS PERSONAL INFORMATION.

There's no information, not even a link to the documentation, so I don't see how this compares with SDL or anything in the same space. I don't know how to map this on to existing knowledge, sorry.

I started here: http://elysianshadows.com/updates/libgyro-library/

It is a low-level library to allow the porting of their game to many platforms.

That would probably be a better link to post to Hacker News then?

This is an internal library for the kickstarted game Elysian Shadows that was not yet ready to go open source. He's plagiarized it... and used his real account with all of his contact information... oooopsies!

I don't suggest that. This man has stolen my work and is about to be in deep shit.

Yeah, because it is my work and this guy has literally 100% stolen it. It was not ready to go open-source.

Well probably because the dude stole the repo, lol

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