I find a different project on the website, Drapery FM [http://www.ireneposch.net/drapery-fm/], even more interesting. It's a wool installation that transmits its own creation story over the radio.
To me, it feels like one of those Clarke's Third Law-tier devices that work seemingly by magic.
Magic? It's aesthetic, but technically it's simply a circuit that with the wires woven together instead of printed in traces on a board. Magic-like tech is the reverse, the amazing minituarization of circuitry to microscopic size.
The women computer is a reverse Third law -- sufficiently antique technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Something about it also vaguely seems like an unsettling SCP-like* monster. It would be terrifying to be in a room with that thing all alone at night and it started broadcasting something unexpected.
On the topic of cool old memory technologies, see also mercury delay line memory, which involves a cylinder of mercury into which you transmit pressure waves to encode information, and to read it back you wait for the particular offset in time when the beginning of the data you need is reflected back to you: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delay_line_memory
Sounds similar to surface acaustic wave filters and delay lines, which were e.g. commonly used in televisions (to make the color signal of the preceding line accessible while drawing the next line, it needs to be delayed by a line (64 µs). These work by turning the electrical signal into a mechanical strain wave travelling mostly on the surface of the substrate, where it can be filtered by mechanical means (think tuning forks, but etched into the surface) or simply delayed by the path length. The "receiving" end then turns the mechanical wave back into electricity.
> By the standards of the time, a relatively large amount of data could be stored in a small installed volume of core rope memory: 72 kilobytes per cubic foot, or roughly 2.5 megabytes per cubic meter
Wow, I'd never heard of this 'rope' memory before - incredible!
I think the gloves on that site are particularly interesting because they show a high integration of textile and electronics with a practical application that actually makes sense.
Zoom in on the second photo and see the relays flipping, really cool.
They don’t describe how they made these decorative relays. Does anyone have any details?
[edit] I wanted to emphasize that this goes beyond the expected “sew prefabricated components to cloth” and instead is pretty much all embroidery (maybe crochet also.) That is several kinds of awesome.
The logic diagram appears to contain two registers, an ALU, and some control logic. The ALU is bit-serial, judging by the width of the datapaths and the mudems connecting the two parts. I don't see memmory, so to call this a "computer" in the modern sense is stretching it a bit; this is a piece of one, but with a very interesting construction technique.
This comment helped me to get a better sense of what is and isn't happening within this project. I have to think it through a bit more, but wonder if given the right middleware, or by cheating a bit in the connections (using an arduino), you could setup a weaving device that utilized the khipu as storage, so the logic could record new sets of knots to a khipu...?
This is beautiful. I really enjoy and am intrigued by what I think of as the "weird frontier" of technology...things that blur the line between tech and craft like this, offline/distributed tech projects like Scuttlebutt, DIY hacker projects, or anything that uses technology in unconventional and creative ways. Does anyone have favorite blogs or websites that revolve around this sort of content?
From this it looks like there's two 8 bit registers on the left with control signal coming from the top of the image. There's some logic going on on the right, but it strikes me as not complete though. The fact I can't read the writing doesn't help.
There are two Youtube channels I know of where they make a computer and don't assume much about the watcher's prior experience:
If you want to know how this computer works, the first one will give you some idea because it's made of relays too, but the second one in particular gives a good, detailed, complete walkthrough of a working computer.
It looks like each of those little bead thingies is a transistor; each has three wires leasing up to it with a little loop at the end. Presumably, a charge from the loop to the side can flip the bead, and this makes it conduct.
It’s surprising that that works, to say the least. :)
The closeup is beautiful, but the overall design looks like a three-year-old with a glitter pen drew all over the table. Most of the lines aren't even sewn into the cloth.
Perhaps the next iteration could borrow design elements from actual embroidery (leaves, flowers, etc.) and cleverly embed the circuit inside them. Or they could go in the opposite direction, straighten out the lines, and make an embroidery inspired by printed circuit boards. Either way, I hope they don't stop here but keep making better versions. This could be turned into something that people actually want to hang on their walls.
I like it how it is. It reminds me of Snail Drawings by Daniel Renali [0], it makes me think about order/logic and the contrast to a lot of patterns seen in nature.
To me, it feels like one of those Clarke's Third Law-tier devices that work seemingly by magic.