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Ask HN: What features you wish Google BigQuery could have?
10 points by khitcher on Dec 12, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hello friends!

I'm a heavy user of Google BigQuery's web UI, usually using it for ad hoc analysis. IMO the UI is very hard to use, especially it lacks the basic IDE support like shortcuts etc.

Therefore, I built a Chrome extension to improve it: https://medium.com/@kennyhitcher/banana-query-a-much-better-bigquery-ide-e98e76b0fc41 . This extension actually improves my efficiency a lot, mainly because the new navigation shortcuts fit in my workflow nicely.

However, when I share this extension on HN and ProductHunt, I got no install and almost no upvotes. It just seems that I actually didn't solve most people's pain points.

I really want to help improve the UX of Google BigQuery and really need some feedback. If you are a Google BigQuery user, could you tell me what you hate about it the post, or some features you really wish it could have?


licence? link to repository? I'm not about to trust some unproven plugin with an organisation's BQ data

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