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Poor people should get slower internet speeds, American ISPs tell FCC (theregister.co.uk)
21 points by ArtDev on Dec 12, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

The 1-number obsession is horrible.

As a baseline, how about just 400 kilobits/second, but: symmetric, under 60 ms latency to 48 states, packet loss of less than 1% for any size packet when not exceeding 400 kilobits/second (to 48 states), latency that doesn't increase under load, and less than 5 hours of downtime per customer per year.

Whats the alternative? That poor people should be forced to pay for the same plans as those who use Terabytes a month in streaming?

Why shouldn't someone who doesn't use Netflix religiously, stream video or torrent files endlessly get a cheaper plan?

I'm all for the availability of cheaper plans, but this seems to be about ISPs getting broadband subsidies to provide people with less than broadband speeds.

Literally pay to play.

Bandwidth equivalent of Zuck's "free internet" (that's not the internet) for poor people in India.

Conclusion: nearly all ISP's are dicks too.

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