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IRS Gutted: Good news for the wealthy (propublica.org)
15 points by everybodyknows on Dec 11, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I don't see how the IRS can be gutted enough: it remains a hive of ultra-liberals intent on shutting down republican support. Right now the liberals in the IRS are hunkering down, hoping Trump retires from office before noticing that so many IRS staff members came from leftist-leaning universities on the east and west coasts.

I will grant you that we need major campaign finance reform very, very badly - to the point that it should be _the_ one most important political item on the USA's agenda - above immigration, above China, etc.

Citizens United (the controversial Supreme Court decision saying that corporations had the same right as individuals to spend money to influence elections) is a travesty to democracy - one that I oppose along with the most flaming of flaming liberals. But the way that liberals have chosen (to burrow into the various bureaucracies and implement a de facto legislative agenda from there) to control campaign finance is simply wrong.

IRS gutted? Hardly. Go talk to one of them in one of his/her unguarded moments (perhaps after sharing a joint). Watch their eyes light up when you mention that maybe Beto O'Rourke can duplicate Obama's trajectory.

This comment is so wrong it's not even wrong.

The IRS is in charge of taxes. They have nothing to do with campaign finance laws. That's the Federal Election Commission's job.

The original poster was probably referring to the IRS Targeting controversy during the Obama administration where it was alleged that the nonprofit status and tax filings of conservatives groups were unfairly scrutinized. This could be interpreted as the IRS obliquely enforcing campaign finance laws.

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