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Show HN: Simple tool to upload and paste URL's to screenshots and files (github.com/okgodoit)
20 points by OkGoDoIt on Dec 11, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

This might be a silly question but I've honestly tried to Google it without any success. Is there an easy way to put something like this behind a web based "portal". Like, I'd love to have an external facing login site that would allow me to access internal resources like this. I currently use OpenVPN but it'd be neat if this could be done via a web based portal without the need for a heavy VPN solution. Anyone have any suggestions?

I think you're asking how to make the public URL shares accessible only with a password, in which case could just use basic password auth on your web server. Something like https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-... for Linux or https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/configuration/system.we... for Windows.

Hello, I appreciate the reply but I was looking to replace my OpenVPN solution which allows me to visit websites that aren't publicly accessible. Going the htpass route would require opening up each individual service to the Internet and then mapping the internal ports to a unique external port (as they all listen on port 80)

Something like Cloudflare Access[1] maybe? Their basic plan is free for up to 5 seats/login accounts.

[1] https://www.cloudflare.com/products/cloudflare-access/

Oh this is great. Thank you!

Awesome work! I love when people build productivity tools for Windows.

What's the difference between this and ShareX?



I wasn't aware of ShareX, perhaps it handles this use case just as well. That looks like a super powerful tool, whereas my project is very focused on a specific workflow I personally hit a lot. I assume ShareX is probably a better tool for general use.

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