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Patreon has banned the accounts of several controversial public figures (vice.com)
31 points by aestetix on Dec 10, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

He wasn't banned for being far right. He was banned for sending racist comments to another user. Send pretty straight forward violation. They are just enforcing he agreed to when he signed up. Why is this news?

"Far right" is just an epithet these days for anyone the dominant leftian zeitgeist disagrees with.

Why the title change? It was (and still is) accurate according to the vice.com headline.

I don't see how Sargon can be considered far-right. The only "far right" positions I can think of him holding are those relating to national sovereignty (Brexit) and being against the concept of hate speech and in favor of free speech.

What ideas has he promoted that makes him far right?

Otherwise sure, Alsup and Milo can be called far right.

> in favor of free speech

To a degree - he's only in favour of free speech for people he considers acceptable; cf his petition to get "Social Justice" courses banned in Universities.

(Then he supported a petition in favour of "Count Dankula", an avowed far-righter. Weird how that goes.)

University courses aren't free speech. I should be able to freely talk about, and promote Phrenology publicly - but I shouldn't be allowed to teach it as factual in a university.

> To a degree - he's only in favour of free speech for people he considers acceptable; cf his petition to get "Social Justice" courses banned in Universities.

I don't know the issue but would that have anything to do with government funded universities? Or is he arguing not even private universities should be legally permitted to teach "Social Justice" courses.

> he supported a petition in favour of "Count Dankula", an avowed far-righter.

Can i get a source on that? Ive not read anything from him claiming to be of the far right.


"To clarify, we are calling for the teaching of social justice courses in universities to be temporarily suspended."

There is no mention of Government funding.

> Ive not read anything from him claiming to be of the far right.

You're right, he's not stupid enough to come out and say it bluntly but his actions speak louder than, etc. (embracing Tommy Robinson, the pug incident, joining UKIP, etc.)

How is the support of a "far-righter" against free speech?

You might have missed the other half - where he doesn't want free speech for people he disagrees with.

Count dankula has a communist flag tattoo. He marched and demonstrated with socialists.

The fud is weird.

Sargon has promoted ideas of "race realism" as well. I'd say that's a far right position.

Anyone right of Mao is far right these days.

Must have been made by moderators, as I posted it with the original title.

Perhaps because the articles headline is wrong? Sargon is not a "far-right figure".

That's a matter of opinion, surely, and Vice are entitled to theirs.

For me, his membership of UKIP certainly qualifies him to be well over to that side of the political spectrum.

Other people agree that he's "far-right", e.g. "Ukip gains 500 new members since allowing prominent far-right activists to join party" says https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/ukip-alt-righ...

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