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Japan to extend copyright period on works including novel, paintings to 70 years (japantimes.co.jp)
18 points by infodocket on Dec 10, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

When was the last time a country reduced the duration of copyright?

With very few exceptions, the profit a work brings falls quickly after publishing. So copyright isn't being extended so much to preserve the profits from existing works - it's to keep those works from competing with new ones. Literally taking from the public to create demand.

When was the last time a government gave up power?

As someone who is trying to use Aozora Bunko to get practice material for learning japanese, this saddens me.


This looks really cool, makes me want to get my motivation back for learning Japanese again.

I don't have a link atm, but the whole site is available as a github repo if you are interested in a local copy.

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