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How big philanthropy undermines democracy (2013) (dissentmagazine.org)
17 points by alexanderdmitri on Dec 10, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

It's very telling that those Parent Trigger laws provide for converting a school to a charter school, but not back to a regular school.

Once the Market gets hold of a formerly public institution, it doesn't like to give it back.

Who cares about democracy? I thought the goal is not to have democracy but to be free as much as possible while having a positive society, which is best achieved by limited democracy (and that might or might not be the case today).

You should watch "The Trap" by Adam Curtis. Basically what you are describing is called Negative Liberty and it is a very particular narrow and limiting type of freedom. https://thoughtmaybe.com/the-trap/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_liberty

That isn't what I meant. I wanted to say that I feel like people are focusing on democracy for the sake of having democracy instead of using it as just one tool to achieve maximum freedom like it was supposed to.

Yes but "achieve maximum freedom" is a negative liberty concept. Positive liberty is more like parentalism which limits freedom to achieve self-mastery.

For this reason I specifically said "while having a positive society". Not that I don't agree (or disagree) but I don't want to argue about this at all. The point is that we have democracy instead of absolutism to have freedom, not to have democracy.

don't you see. we need democracy so when people like giving we can give them SHIT and tell them their generosity hurts our values.

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