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G.9 Kurzwellensender Atlantik / Soldatensender Calais Daily Transcripts (psywar.org)
29 points by wglb on Dec 10, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soldatensender_Calais

This is quite entertaining.

I wonder if these were written in English and translated or written in German? Some of the phrasings are odd.

I didn't see any language in italics -- were all these stories made up?

Clicking around the site I found a fascinating interview with some POWs captured in 1940: https://www.psywar.org/content/vonWerra

> were all these stories made up?

Genuine news seem to only be included in the archive where it was directly spliced with deception into a single half-truth. There was probably quite a big haystack of non-fakes that isn't included in the transcripts.

The first victim of war is: the truth.

Quote below illustrates why Germany needed to be completely crushed in WW2. No conditional surrender.

It also reminds me of some of the people today. They live in their own reality.

>>This young man is a completely successful product of Nazi education. With the possible exception of the Spitfire which brought him down, everything in this country is “lächerlich”. He has met Hitler several times and considers him a genius of “Kolossale” personal courage, proved (rather inadequately) by Hitler’s visits to the front.

From the last transcript, March 30, 1944.

>>Landesbauernführer Huber speaking of the potato harvest declared that although supplies of potatoes were already 15 percent below the amount required to fulfil the promised ration, and although it might be thought that German agriculture was attempting the impossible in 1944, faith in the Führer would bridge every difficulty.

Wow. I've been reading a couple of these for the last hour or so. Some of it is straight from dr. Strangelove, how about this one:

"In order to increase the birth rate, polygamy is advocated in the programme of the SS-Rassenamt."


As psy-ops come this one must have been a source of inspiration for the people writing.

It's quite interesting to read this in light of the more recent psy-ops where for instance in the United States the most outrageous bull-shit is lapped up for gospel. Apparently this stuff is more effective than you might think.

There are "believers" on every continent ready to surrender their free will in exchange for some promise - security, certainty about the world, assurances they are the master race, etc..

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