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Salt-infused graphene creates an infrared cloaking device (arstechnica.com)
75 points by lingzb on Aug 16, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

They mention it’s flexible enough for clothing, I wonder how practical it would be to use it to make a low cost body suit for various purposes (ranging from evading night vision goggles to being part of a cool high tech stage act).

could have several military/space applications imo:

1. evading IR (from what i understand this tech could avoid both passive IR and also active/spotlight style IR, but i may be wrong)

2. heating/cooling soldiers/astronauts depending on their needs

For what it is worth - this tech. already exists for what you describe for military purposes - as vinyl:


It is used to create small tents that anti-tank etc. teams can hide within to evade EO sensors on aircraft/vehicles.

On the opposite team Al-Qaeda and ISIS snipers learned to use wool blankets.

So if you're ever in a war-zone and see a nice wool blanked in the middle of nowhere, take cover.

Very cool effect. Not only would it be useful in space applications but it could make better decoy tanks[1] as well :-)

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dummy_tank

Interesting application as the Space radiator material as opposed to an infrared invasibility jacket.

I feel like each graphene story shows more and more that this is a potential super material. I would not be surprised to read something like "Graphene infused superconductor found to make time travel possible"

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