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Well, I'll say this much about AMP and how it is: I actively avoid it; but then again, I don't use GMail, I search with DDG or Exalead most of the time, etc. I like the idea, I hate the implementation. I don't like a single corporation determining the course of the Web. I like the idea of a constrained standard. Then again, I also like the unrealistic idea of a single monolithic standard. When I got into making webpages, you had HTML and that was it. Then they said, "well, if you want to do some cool stuff, use CSS in addition to HTML". And now, they're trying to make it so that creating a website without using CSS or JS is completely impossible.

Really, what you're saying you want just links back to what I suggested - disable remote CSS (preferably also inline but that's a pipe-dream), disable JavaScript, disable images, and turn your content blocker on full blast. Either that or just use Links. It works for me and blocks all the crud so I can get the content I actually want. The only thing I'd like to do with Links is to change the terminal colors it uses (which I don't think I can do in Windows - if you know how please do tell me). HTML was a fine language for what it does, and it still serves as a very solid core for a Web made of pure content. Only a Web made up of utter corporate nonsense needs scripting.

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