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Brave shows how many ads and trackers it has blocked, as well as a number that's labeled Time Saved. How that is calculated I haven't the foggiest, but it must be related to download size.

As far as I'm aware, Brave is open source and this appears to be the time saved calculation on Android. https://github.com/brave/browser-android-tabs/blob/b4d565f07...

Interesting. I (like others here, apparently) assumed that the time saved number was based on various tracking scripts that weren't downloaded, but if this is the relevant code, looks like it's just tracking parallel requests.

You know, I think you're right. The formula from the PR that implemented "Est. Time Saved" appears to be (trackers + ads blocked) * 50ms


Probably `Content-Length` of requests they didn't serve divided by your average download speed?

Brave shows this on the "new tab" page. I was surprised with how much these numbers added up over time, though I do suppose they are reasonable estimations.

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