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Show HN: DevFlip: Marketplace for Video Game Developers (devflip.com)
6 points by bradtx on July 8, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Hey HN,

We're trying to build the go-to marketplace for game devs to buy and sell video game assets. Right now when you try to buy assets online, they're usually isolated by engine (Unity Asset Store, UE marketplace) or on various creative marketplaces on the web (CGTrader, TurboSquid, Envato). Our idea is to consolidate everything for game dev under one roof. As for how we make money, we take 30% of revenue from the sales made on our site.

I'd be super grateful if any game devs on HN were to make an account and provide some feedback. The site is pretty new at the moment, so I apologize in advance for any bugs that you might run into.

- Brad

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