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1971 B5500 Eliza clone written in Lispified Algol (elizagen.org)
56 points by abrax3141 on June 22, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Now who will write something that allows that GTL source (or the equivalent) to run? It looks quite nice conceptually as the "program" is nicely separated from the "knowledge" and the program is just 360 lines:


The documentation for the language is here:


as http://retro-b5500.blogspot.com/2018/05/the-cube-library-tap... report:

"GTL -- Georgia Tech Language. Another clone of Extended Algol by Martin Alexander at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. This compiler has significant extensions for strings, records, complex arithmetic, list processing, plex processing, and extended I/O features. Documentation is also available on bitsavers.org."

I see also:


"Web-based emulator and operating environment for the Burroughs B5500 computer system."

GTL does indeed run in the retro-b5500 emulator, although I have not yet tried to compile and run Eliza with it.

The emulator runs in a standard web browser. It requires some setup. The easiest way to get started is to run the emulator from the project's hosting site:


First, follow the link to the Getting Started wiki page, which explains what you need to do in detail. There is a link on the page above to a forum if you have questions or need assistance.

GTL is written in B5500 Extended Algol and is based on the compiler for that dialect. The source we found on the CUBE tape does not compile with the standard Mark XIII Algol compiler. We think that may be due to some local Algol patches in use at Georgia Tech. I have posted a compile deck with patches that works for me:


After running this, you will need to do a "MC GTL/NEW" command on the SPO (console teletype).

Thanks, wow, there are really some new news:


"Tapes for version 13 of the library were acquired several years ago by Jim Haynes from the B5500 site at the University of California at Santa Cruz and donated to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. The CHM was finally able to read these tapes in May 2018, producing binary images in .tap (taput) format. For information on the .tap format, see..."

Thanks for the links, I am a big Burroughs fan.

It's much bigger (close to 3000 lines) than the version from the original post, which is only around 700 lines for the program and the separate "knowledge":



The first 380 lines are used to change the Common Lisp environment so that it can read and evaluate the two different versions that follows.

There are comments that add information about the original page numbers, etc, but roughly speaking, the code is split as follows:

  - From 381 to 749 (368 lines)   : DOCFN (1969 doctor functions)
  - From 751 to 1831 (1080 lines) : 1969 script (knowledge)
  - From 1834 to 1870 (36 lines)  : Eliza 72 header
  - From 1870 to 2242 (372 lines) : 1972 Doctor program
  - From 2245 to 2915 (670 lines) : 1972 Script (knowledge)

If you knew what the 'B' stood for without reading the article you're over 50.

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