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Just checked out your site. Two things I ran into, the first was that the site seemingly wouldn't load. So I quickly typed in https://www.checklyhq.com and it doesn't resolve. Then I went back to the original url and gave it a bit of time, took maybe eight seconds to load the content, and it's doing that every time (HN flood?). It seems like something is fully loading, blocking the page load, before it finally displays the whole page.

Anyway, I'd definitely suggest redirecting the www to the naked domain.

Thanks for the tips. Crazy how things like this can slip. The site is static and on AWS Cloudfront, but it's a quick port from the actual Vue.js app which makes it rather big. Will make it server rendered (and faster) in the future. For now just reshuffled some v-cloak tags which should result in a quicker experience.

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