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The amount of whitewashing of the telemetry/spyware is disturbing: most MS defenders (as if this rich corporation needs any defense!) keep saying that now they're listing all information they're gathering and allow users to turn it off.

What they're conveniently not saying is how MS completely ignored all customer concerns and moved ahead with their invasive telemetry/spyware, initially didn't list anything thay they were collecting, aggressively changed their implementation in Windows updates to get around telemetry/spyware blockers and didn't allow turning it off.

I have zero trust in the MS of today, they have shown their true colors. The fact that they publish some open source trinkets and say how much they "heart" this or that is almost irrelevant for me.

The stuff they did in the past also matters: trying to derail the open document format standard and killing the Munich Linux project are recent events. They continue to be a bad actor.

>and allow users to turn it off

which is still not true, random services will keep making mysterious connections no matter wat you disable. Turn of DNSCache and watch svchost query stuff almost every 10-20 minutes.

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