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Culture as a Growth Driver (stories.algolia.com)
17 points by dsr12 on May 30, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

This article's thesis is "we improved our business by being deliberate about culture", but unless I'm missing something it doesn't say how they were deliberate at all. I feel like if you're going to make an assertion like that, you should say how you accomplished your goals.

Congratulations on growing your business. Though I enjoyed the article, I wish you had gone more into what's the culture you are building? What makes good culture? What were some of your goals that have been achieved? Or what were some of the ideas that worked and some that didn't. What are your values? how do you empower your employees?

The relationship between commerce and actual culture is always disparate. When companies speak of culture, they are speaking of business culture, which is inherently non-culture.

That being said, they are most likely either just connecting words for the hype of it or they are referring to morally questionable or discriminatory hiring practices.

It's dismaying to see no black people among the employees in the picture.

Why is this getting downvoted? I don’t interpret OP’s comment as lambasting the company itself, but something more general.

Because its not relevant to the article at all. The article is about creating a company culture that will increase business resiliency, not how many checkmarks you can get on your diversity sheet

Diversity is absolutely relevant to the topic of culture.

The composition of the company photo struck me too.

“Not a cultural fit” is an excuse used to cover a multitude of sins.

It’s obviously not true is all cases, but it can be used as. A proxy for racism and/or filtering out people with differing political or religious beliefs.

It would be nice if the article had dwelt briefly on what “culture” actually means rather than leaving it as an ill defined concept (that can be manipulated to less desirable ends).

There's some relevance since the discussion is lead by "culture". It shouldn't matter. But does it?

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