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[flagged] B2B SaaS Growth – Reverse Engineered (indiehackers.com)
16 points by sudo______ on May 29, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

That's it? A short list of stuff that has worked for B2B SaaS companies? Would love to hear more, like when it works / for which kinds of companies.

That's actually the beauty of it if you ask me. Most of the companies that are now giants, didn't use 'this one weird trick'. Rather, they used proven methods like listed out. The 'trick' if you will, is to have a great product & hustle your ass off.

Yes. There is no hack, only hustle. If I didn't think startup porn was a waste of time I might even put that on a T-shirt.

Since we are here... If you dedicated one hour on one day per month to each item on this list you'd probably have a pretty good pipeline in 9 months. And if you dedicated one hour per day to one thing on this list, you'd probably have a pretty good pipeline in 9-12 months. But no one is looking for the answer that gets them a full pipeline in 9-12 months even though that's exactly how all of this works.

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