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As a semi-professional nude photographer I have encrypted every hard disk I own, including my laptop's. It's part of my promise to the customers to keep their photos really safe. I am using Ubuntu and LuKs on all my machines because I find it very convenient to have a superb encryption mechanism built in.

As a side note, I do all my picture editing in Gimp. While this is not commom among professional photographers, it contributes in some ways to my landmark style.

Is there a significant style difference between using Gimp and Photoshop? I only know Photoshop, but I've always thought of Gimp as just program for doing basically the same work. I wouldn't think there'd be a difference in the final product.

The most common complaints I've seen are that Gimp isn't Photoshop - meaning PS users who move to it dislike it due to the multi-window UI, 'wrong' key combinations.

I actually used Gimp before PS and from my perspective the only things it really misses are layer groups and layer styles. For PS users there is Gimp Shop[1] which attempts to "deweirdify" the UI to something more reminiscent of PS.

[1]: http://gimpshop.com

Sadly, this is the reality of OSS, layer groups were first proposed (and accepted as a "good idea") as early as 2002, but actually are supposed to come out in Gimp 2.8, which I think is coming out in 2011?

Meanwhile, one can run the external plugins such as this: http://registry.gimp.org/node/16563

For a programmer, GIMP is fine for an occasional photo editing job. Just wish, it could do a better job of importing Photoshop files. I know it is more of PS fault not GIMP's, but still.

I'm intrigued. Do you have some examples of your work?

I am too, not sure why you are being downvoted. I'm interested in finding out what a "landmark style" influenced by using gimp instead of photoshop looks like exactly.

He is being down voted because the first comment of this throwaway account is a boorish redditism asked to someone who just said they value client confidentiality.

Didn't realize the account was made only a few hours ago, so I guess that's not a great sign. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was asking for non-confidential examples of the work out of genuine interest, but maybe that's a little naive on my part.

I'm sure there's a portfolio that we could see.

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