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Ok going to try and answer these in order:

> Is this a crazy use of your service?

Nope, not a crazy use of the service at all! To be blunt, it might not be the most profitable for us, but we tried to structure our pricing that we could support edge cases.

> If I request the full-size thumbnail will it be a lossless image from the original video?

If you give us an h.264 input that is 1080p or less and request a png thumbnail without specifying width and height, the thumbnail will be lossless (no _additional_ loss over the png compression, to be precise for the pedants out there).

> Storyboards

Storyboards are working and in the final stages of development. We should have that documentation updated in the next few days.

> 30 thumbnail limit

That's a soft limit. We can do more than that, but we should talk if you're going to be blowing through that limit consistently.

> The thumbnail API doc says the timecode param is a float.

Yes, if you have constant framerate video. It's technically a 64bit floating point, so it's highly accurate. Due to the complexities around variable frame rates, we don't support frame-stepping in our API.

> Can I send you a hard-drive full of videos to ingest into your system?

One of our engineers volunteered to take care of it, so sure, we can make that work as a one-off. Probably not going to put that on the marketing site anytime soon and deny this conversation ever happened in a year :)

> signed playback_policy

That will be available very soon, followed shortly by other types of restrictions (geo, domain-based, etc). Anything specific you'd like to see there?

> pricing

We're happy to talk! We actually only store the mezzanine long-term and then encode into the different bitrates at request, so that's not the only consideration for storage. Feel free to shoot me an email (matt at our domain).

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