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> The first page really does not say much

Indeed. It tries very hard to get me to sign up (four "Create Account" buttons; three red, one blue) but I still have no idea what I'd be signing up for.

It's a CDN for video files? Someone help me out here.

(Mux founder) To be completely honest, I'd be pretty bummed if all we'd built was a CDN (don't mean that as a diss on CDNs, we just think other folks have solved that problem better than us).

Right now, a developer has to know quite a bit about video/delivery to get your own stack up and running. At the highest level, we're a clean API around ingesting and serving videos to your customer. What's actually happening is we use our analytics data to power smarter decision making around what formats and renditions we deliver to your viewers.

We do just-in-time encoding, which means we can quickly change what we deliver to those same viewers as their needs change over time without needing to do massive library re-encodes. On the edge of all of that, we also make real-time, data-driven decisions around which CDNs we use around the world.

But if you don't really care about what's going on under the hood, what you'll get in practice is adaptive bitrate playback within seconds of creating a new asset in our system, and cool features around grabbing thumbnails and stuff.

Hope that helps!

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