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The bane of nuclear energy is management: everybody working at EDF knew Flamanville was going to be more costly than budgeted, and everybody[1] know HPC is a bad idea, yet the management (especially the CEO, Jean-Bernard Lévy, who never worked in the energy industry beforehand and became CEO because of its political acquaintance) decided to go all-in on this.

I guess it's easier when you can't lose anything if things go bad: the former Areva CEO, Anne Lauvergeon didn't have any problem becoming board member in many big corporation[2] after her terrible management lead Areva to bankruptcy ...

[1] : the CFO resigned to protest against the deal, and the trade unions were strongly against

[2] : Suez, Total, Vodaphone, EADS ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Lauvergeon#Mandats_sociau...

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