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There's some challenges to the accuracy of his analysis. [1]

Robert Newman in his History of Oil [2] proposes an interesting alternative interpretation / explanation of the events around the start of WWI. Also very highly recommended.

[1] https://amp.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/3v63nh/dan_carl...

[2] https://youtu.be/Qu47fIkIsY8

The first 20 minutes is far below Carlin's usual standard - I skip it every time. The funny thing is, after he's done telling the assassination story, he admits that the war was already lined up and that anything could have set it off.

The only challenges to the accuracy of Carlin’s showa are pedantic and nitpicky.

I agree. You can tell he puts a tremendous emphasis on accuracy and quality, but sometimes you make mistakes when you are operating on a shoe-string budget.

Overall his stuff is pretty accurate. When doing a series that's like 20 hours long, you're bound to say something inaccurate from time to time. While he does do a tremendous amount of research for the shows, and he tries hard to be accurate, he is also a master story-teller.

I surprises me a little that he didn't make a big deal about it. I would think he would correct it. In fact often he opens a podcast with correcting any errors from the previous one. Not sure I fully buy that. Would like to hear Dan's side of the story.

Interesting. I'll check it out. Thank you!

My computer locked up so I didn't finish the whole video, but I did find it interesting. The list of inaccuracies seemed fair, but I don't think any of those ruined the overall message and mood he was trying to set. The Robert Newman video was interesting (and funny), but the bashing of the US seemed a little over the top, and I think he has some marxist tendencies (which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I agree with many of marx's criticisms of Capitalism. I'm just not convinced there's an alternative with less greed/corruption/power seeking politicians). Will probably finish the video when I get a chance. Thanks again for the reference.

I m no longer convinced by that. Not a socialist...but any well designed gamified System with a realistic outlook on human nature ought to do.

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