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You are making the opposite claim to mine, they are not comparable. Try these on for size:

  Before his birth, Mussolini was not alive. Therefore, it is possible that he could not be alive again.

  At one point, there were no grains of sand in this glass. Therefore it is possible that there will be no grains of sand in this glass again.
Thermodynamics is really not the tool you should bring to bear in this conversation. Entropy dictates that eventually everything will be worthless, and that includes Bitcoin. The price of Bitcoin is not an irreversible product of entropy, despite what some investors might wish.

Are you really standing by your logic, or are you just arguing with me for sport? If it’s the latter we can continue but I’m not going to repeat myself if you’re not going to listen.

Yes. My argument is only flawed for things that are tied to entropy, which the price of Bitcoin is not in any meaningful way.

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