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So let's imagine you buy $1000 worth of AAPL, $1000 worth of pork bellies, and $1000 worth of BTC. Then, simultaneously, AAPL decides to close up shop, no one is interested in buying pork bellies anymore, and the Bitcoin network shuts down.

What do you now own in each case?

AAPL liquidates all of its assets, pays off its debts, and distributes the balance to its former shareholders. You probably don't get $1000, you probably get something like $50 or $100.

Someone delivers some number of physical, frozen pork bellies to you.

And from Bitcoin you get nothing.

This is what I mean when I say all of the buying doesn't actually "put money" into Bitcoin: it is an investment with no underlying value. With all other markets, what you think of as a two-party trade, between the buyer and the seller, is actually a three-party affair, between the buyer, the seller, and the company or asset being traded. "Putting money" into a company ultimately results in that company having more money to build out their business with; "putting money" into a commodity ultimately results in more producers producing more of the commodity. "Putting money" into Bitcoin ultimately results ... in nothing.

That applies to currencies too. I can "put money" into USD (from AUD) which actually does generate X for Y (for example, it creates more purchasing power for all importers in the USA).

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