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How well you think bitcoin’s potential worked out is likely to depend on exactly when in the next six months you decide to sell.

Then again, being able to anticipate irrational investment in bitcoin is arguably also a skill, assuming it’s not just dumb luck.

if you sell in the next six months you lose. at this point crypto is a hedge against our mad max style post apocalyptic future.

how does computing-resource-and-network-intensive digital currency have any value at all in most Mad Max post-civilizational-collapse scenarios?

the resource-intensive aspects all fall off with population as difficulty plummets

I'm sure we will be worried with restoring the Bitcoin network in an apocalyptic event. All 153GB of it will be very useful to maintain. What incentive do the survivors have to preserve the history anyway?

As much as I disapprove of throwaway comments, this did make me chuckle. It does also make a serious point.

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