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I don't really consider it "prescient" to take stock over cash when you're already wealthy. It's more of a privilege.

So was buying a bunch of bitcoin in 2013. It's a bet only a few people could (should have) made.

I know plenty of people with jobs that supported them just fine who were able to acquire a lot of bitcoin early. Most of them abandoned it, and it had nothing to do with privilege or immediate need.

There's a difference between "early" and 2013. In 2013 I knew one person who'd gotten wildly lucky and already retired from buying and mining Bitcoin early, but the people buying hundreds of bitcoin at that point, with the prices in the $100+ range already, were all pretty well-off to have that much disposable cash to toss on a gamble.

Investing 100K then to have 18M now or whatever is a gamble you can only take if you're already doing quite well.

Sound like wise people. At least, no-one will be able to judge otherwise for quite a while yet...

I could have bought enough BTC to pay a house in cash today, when I first dabbled with it, even as a freshly working student.

I didn't.

At the time, did you (not) expect bitcoin to succeed in becoming a payment method, displacing paypal and credit cards, or did you (not) expect bitcoin to become "digital gold", of little use except for being something that most of the time more people want to buy than sell? If it was the former, there is very little to beat yourself up about.

> did you (not) expect bitcoin to succeed in becoming a payment method, displacing paypal and credit cards

And it hasn't displaced anything, has it? I still don't expect it to do anything of the sort.

Kind of my point: I never heard of a bitcoin early adopter who started out saying "sucks for payment, but I'll happily bet on it becoming a self-sustaining rally", but many who initially expected a currency seem to have unknowingly pivoted to the nice feeling of owning ever increasing virtual riches (that will only grow bigger and bigger as long as almost everybody sticks to the program of not touching that wealth, "just one more turn"), with no payment function at all.

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