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The question is how soon is soon. I remember saying the exact same thing 3, 4 yrs ago when these 2 same guys were then saying bitcoin would go to $10000. It was something like $600 then and I thought they were totally nuts and that was a sign of a bubble if anything. Now I wish I had bought a few coins back then

> Now I wish I had bought a few coins back then

This kind of regret is exactly how you know it is a bullshit scam. No real-world investment behaves like bitcoin. It is massive, souped up penny stock designed to suck in libertarians and tech nerds.

Plus, who the fuck wants to adopt a "currency" where only the early investors get to be rich? Like, a vast majority of the BTC wealth is in a tiny, tiny fraction of people who were mining BTC way back in the day. How in the holy heck is that something you'd want in a mainstream currency?

> Like, a vast majority of the BTC wealth is in a tiny, tiny fraction of people who were mining BTC way back in the day.

Isn't that also true of fiat currencies though? Most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, and passed down through families as inheritance over centuries.

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