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How will quantum computing impact crypto currencies? Isn't the scarcity based on the slow rate of mining, aka crypto hashing? Seems like its going to be due for some serious future disruption.

Until we can find a way to manufacture gold atoms on a mass scale at least gold will continue to be scarce.

I had the same thought as you but then have a look at the Etherium fork, the Bitcoin fork etc.

Bitcoin isn't the original white paper, to be carried on into infinity. Bitcoin is a brand. The white paper(s) and code can change (while honouring historic transactions) and adapt to changes in crypto, but you are still holding bitcoin, you are still buying and transaction bitcoin.

The word Bitcoin is essentially a "pointer" to the current accepted bitcoin implementation.

There are a few quantum resistant cryptocurrencies out there already. Bitcoin isn't one of them but it's well understood how to change it to be quantum resistant. When it becomes a genuine concern they'll no doubt upgrade the crypto.

If that threat became apparent the protocol would probably just hard-fork to post-Quantum Cryptography.

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