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This is the company that continues to ship new games with Windows XP Embedded (they are allowed to due to a technicality in the licensing agreement with Microsoft). No one expects them to up their security game all of a sudden - and I sure hope they don't :D

Of course, thank you to all of those who have done this type of work over the years! You know who you are.

Well they're moving to WES7 for games now (museca/gitadora/nostalgia/maybe iidx 25), so they'll eventually move them all likely.

Actually, they've actually been using Windows Embedded Standard 7 on a lot of their newer kits lately. This started with Dance Evolution Arcade (mainly because it needed Kinect drivers, since it was a essentially an arcade version of a Xbox 360 Kinect game called Dance Masters), but they've slowly been using 7 on newer cabinets for existing and newer franchises.

Konami changed their model for updates to their games around 2013; although most of their games use a roughly annual release model (with each new version featuring a new interface theme and branding, new content and features, etc.), they introduced a leasing system called "e-Amusement Participation" that, in most cases, supports in-place upgrades to new releases (rather than just patches to the existing version installed on the cabinet, and having to upgrade by replacing the hard drive and security dongle).

Unless the update actually requires the installation of new hardware (such as a new PC and I/O system, such as the latest beatmania IIDX release -- which, in case you're wondering, comes out on Thursday), it's pushed like a Windows 10 automatic upgrade as part of the bootstrap script. However, this doesn't update the OS, hence these older cabinets are still running the copy of XP Embedded from the last version they ran before the automatic update system was put in place.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPvjhkyl048 shows Nostalgia (another Konami game) booting up into Windows Embedded Standard 7 and installing its "Forte" update. The bootstrap script is nearly identical on every Konami game, and involves quite a few console windows.

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