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[flagged] Will Apple Remove and Ban Xamarin and PhoneGap from the App Store in 2019? (nodesagency.com)
29 points by verdande on Dec 19, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Fake unless confirmed by Apple.

Confirmed fake. Actually looks like a phishing attempt.


Whatever about flash a few years ago, it's not like Xamarin contributes to that much worse an experience. These apps will end up just moving to webviews since cross platform is important to them, not native APIs.

Someone correct me, but aren't apps that are predominantly webview based rejected as well?

eg. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43177596/ios-app-rejecte...

Another option could be they'll blanket ban only xamarin.forms apps and allow older xamarin.ios in a case by case basis.

I think that's fair. Xamarin.Forms is mostly for internal corporate apps which I'm sure you can still deploy within your organization yourself.

Why would they shot themselves in the foot? It doesn't make them more dominant and thinking that technology makes developers more competent is a legend. IMHO fake.

The person who posted it on twitter, himself has confirmed that this was a screenshot of a spoofed email. https://twitter.com/jzeferin0/status/943130142485962753

My first thought was the email was not written by someone with English as a first language, so I'd assume it was fake.

What's wrong with the English?

The grammar.

The part underlined in red in the original article is grammatically incorrect. Apple are generally very good at not making such mistakes.

No, they won't.

Fake news

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