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The simple process of re-identifying patients in public health records (unimelb.edu.au)
87 points by peter_tonoli on Dec 19, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

A friendly reminder that there's no such thing as "anonymized data", there's only "anonymized until combined with other data sets".

Personally I wouldn't be that pessimistic about data anonymization. It's entirely possible to robustly anonymize low-dimensional data sets and restrict the information gain of an attacker to a given value even when he/she has information about all non-sensitive attributes in the data set. When using e.g. k-anonymity (with additional l-diversity or better and t-closeness criteria) the resulting data is very robust against attacks, given you correctly specify your sensitive attributes. Of course there are more things to keep in mind, e.g. when repeatedly anonymizing different versions of the same data set (as this can cause data leakage).

K-anonymity provides very little protection, if any. A few brief points:

1. I've never seen a formal definition of security that k-anon supposedly satisfies. While I personally really like formal guarantees, maybe one might argue this wouldn't be so bad absent concrete problems with the definition. Which leads us to...

2. K-anon doesn't compose. The JOIN of 2 databases, each k anonymized, can be 1-anonymous (i.e., no anonymity), no matter what k is.

3. The distinction between quasi-identifiers and sensitive attributes (central to the whole framework) is more than meaningless: is misleading. Every sensitive attributes is a quasi-identifier given the right auxiliary datasets. Using k anon essentially requires one to determine a priori which additional datasets will be used when attacking the k anonymized dataset.

4. My understanding of modified versions (diversity, closeness, etc) is less developed, but I believe they suffer similar weaknesses. The weaknesses are obscured by the additional definitional complexity.

(Edit: typos and autocorrect)

1. As I said most people don't use plain k-anonymity as it can leak information about the sensitive attribute when the values of this attribute in a group are (almost) all the same. This is why extensions like l-diversity and t-closeness exist: l-diversity ensures that in each group there will be at least l different values of the sensitive attribute, t-closeness ensures that the resulting distribution of the sensitive attribute values in a group is close (as e.g. measured by the "earth mover's distance") to the distribution of the sensitive attribute in the entire dataset. Given the original data and the anonymized data sets it's pretty easy to measure the information gain (e.g. using a Bayesian approach) of an attacker if he/she knows in which group a given person is. In that sense k-anonymity (with l-diversity/t-closeness) can be analyzed in a formal context just like e.g. differential privacy.

2. Yes that's what I mentioned at the end, k-anonymity is not different from most other techniques here: If you use differential privacy with the Laplacian mechanism and repeatedly publish independently anonymized versions of the same underyling data you will leak information (as an attacker will be able to average the released values in order to get an estimate of the true value).

3. Yes sensitive attributes are often quasi-identifiers as well (at least in combination with other quasi-identifiers), they are treated differently because the underlying risk model does not regard a (non-sensitive) quasi-identifier as something that needs to be protected. Inferring e.g. your gender from your zip code, age and body weight using an anonymized data set is (usually) not considered problematic, whereas learning that you are HIV-positive would (almost always) be problematic, hence the distinction. Also, sensitive attributes are treated as a group when applying k-anonymity, i.e. if we have two binary attributes (HIV, Syphilis) one applies the anonymization criteria to the combinations of the attributes ((true,true), (false, true), (true, false), (false, false)), not individually to each attribute (as this can cause information leakage).

4. I honestly don't know what to reply to this, as l-diversity/t-closeness are well specified methods that were designed to overcome the (known) limitations of k-anonymity. Yes, these methods are not completely trivial to use, but if used correctly they can provide good and quantifiable protection. Not using them since they are hard to implement correctly is like saying we shouldn't use cryptographic algorithms like RSA because it's hard to get all the implementation details right.

You are correct in theory, but there are so many conditions in your answer that you have really proven GP's point.

Even if you make sure that information gain about an individual from your dataset is minimal, this could easily change if combined with other data sets, as GP stated.

Saying we shouldn't use these techniques because it's hard to implement them correctly is like saying we shouldn't use cryptographic methods like RSA because they are hard to understand. You don't need to roll your own version of RSA to use it, and you don't need to implement your own k-anonymity/l-diversity/t-closeness implementation to anonymize your data (see e.g. [1] for an open-source tool to do this).

[1]: http://arx.deidentifier.org/

Is there any entity in the known universe with both the right incentives and at the same time is not completely incompetent and also are willing to spend enough resources on this - while not making any mistakes?

Anyone claiming to do this needs to be verified, that means that it has to be open. And being open does not by any stretch imply that it has been verified. And I will not do that just to use your product/site.

Bottom line: Just abandon and ignore anyone claiming to anonymize sensitive data.

Furthermore (and to be the subject of much debate) there are actually genuinely useful things to be learned from large datasets in areas such as medicine, some of which don't even involve advertising/marketing, but it's very unclear if we can preserve genuine anonymity if we use that data.

A worse problem, I believe, is more on the side of people actually easily accessing their medical records. It seems that providers have used the onerous privacy laws as an excuse to obstruct the process of releasing medical records in order to prevent customers from moving to another provider.

For example, the Doctor On Demand app has records of all of my visits available on the screen when I am logged in, but in order to actually export or download them, I was required to call them, then fill out an online form where none of that data was prefilled, then I will need to wait up to 10 days for the request to be filled. Its ridiculous.

It doesn't make any sense, since I could just take screenshots on the app as I scroll through the data. Which it seems that if I am identified on the app, they should be able to release the records -- which they do -- they just deliberately make it difficult to export them.

Someone is going to come on here and give me a lecture about privacy laws and how they have to do that or something, but I think its BS. The laws need to be updated to ensure that people can access and export and transfer their own medical records easily. I need to own that data.

I think there are quite a few groups working on technology to solve the problem of owning your data and also being able to share it in a non-identifiable way. Some of them use things like bitcoin or blockchain to do so. We definitely need high tech solutions so I hope some of these types of endeavors will become popular and more effective than some of the inept government efforts so far.

"anonymized" is a statistical measure. What you are doing is making it less likely that someone can be identified not necessarily impossible. I think it would be best if folks were more honest about that. The article mentions finding 7 people in a dataset of 2.9 million. It's obvious that they felt that 7 prominent people was enough to tell the story and they could likely find many more. My question is could they find 0.001%, 1%, 10%, or more? If so with what resources...

Edit: an old an interesting discussion on this: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2942967

> but we now face the challenge of how to deliver that access, while protecting the privacy of the people in those datasets.

This is a losing battle. The information is already being leaked--we have been protected by the high cost and inaccessibility of analyzing it. These factors are quickly changing, and it's time to ask ourselves: how do we intend to live in a post-privacy world?

Black guy in remote Alaska village. Left leg and right hand amputated scenario. For anon you have to ditch geocoding; or aggregate symptoms across a population. IMHO anon should be good enough that the aggregated records become public domain.

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