[Firebase founder] This new database has been in the works for 2.5 years, since shortly after we joined Google. It was developed in close collaboration with the Cloud Datastore[1] team, and uses Google’s core database infrastructure.
We built it because we know it can be challenging to build complex apps with our original database -- Firebase Realtime Database -- where we optimized for ease-of-use & real-time sync over querying functionality. For more info, see this comparison between the two[2].
This is a open beta launch, so the product has limitations[3] you should be aware of. We’ll be working to remove/raise these before General Availability.
A note on naming: Firebase launched in 2012[4] with a single product, the original database. As we added products (Firebase Auth / Firebase Hosting / etc), we began calling the original product ‘Firebase Realtime Database’, or RTDB for short. If you haven’t followed us lately, we’ve grown to become Google’s app platform, and now have 16 products to help you build/grow apps.
We’re grateful for the support HN has given us over the years and we hope you enjoy Cloud Firestore!
For their own sake, I hope the team gives this question attention and respect.
What sets Amazon apart from many other companies is their reputation for relentless customer service. Customers pay close attention to the quality of answer or lack of answers to questions like this one.
Every cloud company that asks us to invest our time in their proprietary API is asking us to trust them. If you violate one vocal customer's trust, we're going to notice. If you don't make things right, we're going to notice. Even before I read the article, I first read the comments to gauge the reception because I care more about the perception of trust before I even consider using something like this.
Customers don't always stop trusting companies for fair or valid reasons, but that doesn't matter. Trust is much more of a visceral thing than a cerebral thing.
So here's my question to other HN readers. What would Google need to do to improve its reputation for customer service? What would they need to do to make that commitment resonate with you on a visceral level?
For me it's pretty easy. I want to start hearing and seeing positive anecdotes about real time communication with Google Cloud support. That is to say, I want to hear people start saying things like "I rang them, and everything was sorted out" ideally with a platitude attached like "it was actually a pretty good experience".
I hear this about AWS all the time, and I've even experienced it myself. One client some time ago had an AWS novice who was confident they could handle setting up the auto-scale groups. They made a small mistake, which lead to the scaling trigger being permanently on, and it auto scaling to 1024 ec2 nodes within the first half hour. Immediately after deploying a fix for the scaling trigger, I phone AWS to see if there was anything that could be done about the cost of this accident, and I had a small monthly credit to compensate, and a respectable discount on the next appropriate AWS training course so that the novice could learn more and hopefully avoid future mistakes.
THAT is the kind of story I want to start hearing about Google Cloud. "I used it and did not have problems", and "It works and was cheaper than AWS" is just not enough.
So my reading here is that the main issue is Firebase was undercharging customers, due to a bug.
They didn't go back retroactively and ask for back payments, but just started charging them accurately going forward.
Of course, that bill caused shock for some people, as they suddenly realised, "Oh s*it, I'm being charged accurately now, my bills are huge!!!"
In this customer's case, apparently they were also doing something bad with TLS tickets and not setting keep-alives - basically causing them to spam Firebase with connections:
(Some quick context for those not aware of the initial incident: In May we fixed two bugs in our pricing pipeline that caused some users to see price increases.
Bug 1: we under-reported bandwidth (in particular SSL overhead)
Bug 2: we were not enforcing quotas for all accounts.
For most users, the fixes had little-to-no impact. For a few users who were using the Realtime Database with large volumes of small reads and writes, the impact was large. You could mitigate this impact by updating your client code, but unfortunately a user who had shipped code to their IoT devices couldn’t. This user was also simultaneously forced to upgrade to the Blaze pay-as-you-go plan due to quota enforcement on our $25/mo Flame plan. These combined resulted into a large billing increase for this user. We weren’t quick enough to provide this user with credits due to poor internal communication).
To address these we have (1) worked to make billing more transparent on Realtime Database and (2) are working on improving support.
How does customer service work with technical services?
There is very little time for developers of a system to use on support, so how do you go about building the baby padding around them? I would imagine at least 97.5% of support requests are a problem on customers end, so just how much support staff would you need for a global service like this?
Just read through your link #2 and was very impressed. Firestore addresses every single concern I had with RDTB and more and I'm looking forward to using it in my side projects.
So yes, if any of the operations in the transaction fails (and cannot be retried) the whole transaction will fail. It's atomic as you'd expect. If you've ever used transactions in Firebase Realtime Database you'll be happy to know that the transactions in Cloud Firestore are much easier to use since they don't require selecting a common data parent.
Queries are always strongly consistent. If you do a write-read sequence you'll see the value of the latest write.
How do you deal with consistency in the offline case? E.g. If I make a bunch of edits while disconnected, and others have made edits while connected, how are the conflicts resolved?
This works similar to the Realtime Database in that it's last-write wins (where in the offline case, "last" is the last person to come back online and send their write to the backend). This model is very easy for developers to understand and directly solves many use cases, especially since we allow very granular writes which reduces the risk of conflicts. But for more complex use cases, you can get clever and implement things like OT conflict resolution as a layer on top of last-write wins, e.g. similar to how we implemented collaborative editing with www.firepad.io on the realtime database.
Providing a one-size-fits-all solution here is probably impossible, but it seems like it would be nice to provide some mechanism to be notified that you're making edits based on stale information. If such a mechanism existed, it would be easy to add a bunch of canned merge strategies. In doing so you can probably teach people a little bit about the pitfalls they're likely to run into (these sorts of bugs are insanely difficult to track down), while not really making them do much work.
The approach we've taken in Eve is that we can't solve all these problems for you, but we can at least let you know that things can go sideways and prompt you to make a deliberate decision about what should happen. It's amazing how helpful that ends up being.
Thanks for the feedback. I think you're right and we're interested in exploring what we can do to help people more in the future. One of the really nice things about Cloud Firestore is that documents are versioned with timestamps in such a way that we could definitely detect and expose conflicts and let you decide how to deal with them... It's mostly a matter of identifying the common use cases and then figuring out the right API to make them possible without going too far into the deep end of conflict resolution.
It looks to me like Firestore's API doesn't include a "default" way to upload user edits to documents. Conflict detection is possible using the transactions - https://cloud.google.com/firestore/docs/manage-data/update-d... - you can do something like HTTP's PUT If-Unmodified-Since (or PUT If-Match).
Good point. read-modify-write transactions are a good way to detect conflicts and get a chance to handle them, but they're unfortunately limited to while the client is online. If the client is offline, the transaction will fail so they're not useful for general conflict resolution. This was an intentional decision because there's not a straightforward way to preserve the intent of the transaction across app restarts. But there may be options for adding some sort of conflict resolution strategy in the future that leverages the same underlying primitives that transactions use today.
Very exciting. I found this to be the one "missing piece" keeping me from being able to build a whole app on Firebase when checking it out earlier this year. One question though, will this support BLOBs like GridFS?
You can store Blob data, but the maximum size of a single document is still 1MB. If you need to store larger blobs check out Cloud Storage for Firebase.
Good question, and to answer this well we should probably do a blog post or something. In the meantime you could dig into the code since the clients are all open source. :-)
But basically, sync is split into two halves: writes and listens. Clients store pending writes locally until they're flushed to the backend (which could be a long time if the app is running offline). While online, listen results are streamed from the backend and persisted in a local client cache so that the results will also be visible while offline (and any pending writes are merged into this offline view). When a client comes back online, it flushes its pending writes to the backend which are executed in a last-write-wins manner (see my answer above to ibdknox for more details on this). To resume listens, the client can use a "resume token" which allows the backend to quickly get the client back up-to-date without needing to re-send already retrieved results (there are some nuances here depending on how old the resume token is, etc.).
I'll answer myself here for anyone else trying to figure out what we can do with queries now:
We can now apply a filter and sort in the same command
We can chain filters, though they can only apply to one field if they specify a range
We can make a query that will only return documents, not the subfield data (i.e. what a lot of us were doing with the deprecated REST interface shallow=1)
Queries in large data sets will be faster I guess?
Things it'd still be nice to see -
References that allow you to pull down related documents with a single query
OR queries
It's been a bit of rollercoaster seeing this announcement..
"Oh wow we can do proper queries now! Oh wait no, the queries don't seem to allow more than what we had before.. oh wait there are some improvements, it's a bit better now.. oh the shallow querying will be super handy! and they do geopoints.. but don't appear to have any way of searching for radius.. but they say they will soon"
The Firebase Realtime Database has been around for ~5 years (and is still fully supported after this launch).
Cloud Datastore has been around in some form (started as App Engine Datastore) since 2008.
Cloud Firestore was a massive multi-year joint effort between Firebase and Google Cloud. Google is investing heavily in both, and this is a big deal for our teams.
We announced the product, that's a loud public commitment. Once it reaches general availability, it will be covered by the Cloud deprecation policy requiring a minimum of one year notice for deprecation.
I'm not sure what other guarantees would even make sense to offer. If anything, I'd look at this announcement as ongoing proof in the magnitude of investment Google is making in Firebase and Cloud.
I'd guess a forward commitment, like a LTS version? That would probably have an adverse effect though, since you'd be the only provider that goes (e.g.) "We will support this product for at least three years from now", implying (to people making Decisions) you'd pull the plug after three years.
Maybe publish a long term (5+ year) plan / roadmap? idk.
Yeah, unfortunately this is pretty much an unsolvable problem.
Roadmaps are subject to change and even more subject to be delayed, publishing them tends to disappoint more than reassure. If we gave a forward commitment the questions would just be "why not longer?" or "what happens in X + 1 years?".
All we can do is say what I'm saying now: we stand behind this product 100%, we think it solves real problems for developers, and we really hope people will try it out and find it useful.
I get the doubt, truly I do. But Google's incentives are clearly aligned with Cloud Firestore's success: if you folks use it and grow your app to be successful, we make money. If you use it and really like it, you're more likely to use Firebase and Cloud's other products, which will make us even more money.
>if you folks use it and grow your app to be successful, we make money. If you use it and really like it, you're more likely to use Firebase and Cloud's other products,
the issue is the inverse is also true: If you folks don't use it, we don't make money, and we deploy these resources elsewhere. See Parse
While I know this is a beta and you’re solving a difficult technical problem, some of the limitations are concernig. With a system like dynamo, you can in most cases pay your way out of bottlenecks.
It would be nice to develop a way in Firestore for users to be able to pay for the number of shards assigned to their workload to reduce relatively artificial limits such as write limits within collections and index update rate.
That way, developers wouldn’t have to plan to leave the platform if their app is successful.
The enhanced query capabilities are very much appreciated. I hope full-text search is in the works, since adding a 3rd party FTS engine adds quite a bit of complexity.
glad you mentioned Cloud Datastore. It seems that Firestore supersedes Datastore and Firebase. Is that correct? Any comparisons of Firestore vs Datastore?
It does not "supersede" Datastore or Firebase Realtime Database, neither of those products are going anywhere.
This is a totally new product that builds on what we learned from those two products, sharing some of the best features of each and bringing in some totally new things as well.
All three are (in my opinion) great choices for building a new app today so make sure you evaluate all options.
We're one of the startups shown in the announcement (Crypto Portfolio Tracker [1] - bottom right logo). Firestore enabled us to build the first version of our app in under a week. We've been using the product for over two months now, and it's given us a competitive edge in being able to develop features rapidly and not having to spend time on operations.
One of the things we liked about Firestore is that it takes the best practices of Realtime Database and makes them more explicit. Before, your RD database structure would look like `collection/{id}` and `collection_sub_collection/{id}/{sub_id}` in order to avoid loading sub-collections in top-level queries. With Firestore, this collections pattern is now part of the API itself, and sub-collections aren't fetched when the parent is fetched.
Another feature we liked is that transactions are no longer limited to a subtree of your database. Before, you would have to structure all of your transactional data under a single path. This would sometimes lead to having to pile-in unrelated data into a single object, such as adding payment data under a users object instead of a separate collection, so that you could atomically modify both user and payment data. With Firestore, transactions are global, so this isn't a concern anymore - we are free to structure our data in any way that makes sense for our app.
Overall, we had a great experience with Firestore during the alpha, and we'll definitely be keeping it as part of our technology stack. Congrats on the launch!
(disclaimer: this post isn't sponsored by Firebase)
Do you think that the time-to-market advantage that using Firebase offers you justifies the (presumably) increased cost when compared to the cost of managing your own infrastructure?
Yes, as a data point, the other tracker apps are only now beginning to add exchange API integration, while we were able to develop and launch this feature over a month ago.
While I like self hosting (was previously a RethinkDB user), from a business perspective, it doesn’t make sense to spend time on operations if it doesn’t give you a competitive advantage. It’s going to be very difficult to outpace a business that only has to focus on development versus one that has to do development and operations.
Can you give a rough estimate on the cost you pay based on the amount of traffic you get to this app? I'm considering using Firestore for my next project but I'd love to hear from your perspective if the cost outweighs the alternative of rolling your own backend.
The cost is actually less than what we would be paying if we rented dedicated servers. I think the reputation for clouds being expensive comes from people running compute instances 24/7. However, you don't run any compute instances on Firebase. You only pay for operations (read, write, function executions, etc.), and if you structure your app to avoid operations (i.e. through caching), you end up paying very little.
I don't like this trend of creating new closed source database systems that only exist on a single cloud provider.
Your data is your most valuable asset, and by using this you're locking it inside Google servers. If they decide five years from now to discontinue it, or to raise the pricing 10x, you're screwed.
Are most developers only working on short term projects? Why would you put yourself in such a situation instead of using open source technologies that can be deployed anywhere?
> Your data is your most valuable asset, and by using this you're locking it inside Google servers. If they decide five years from now to discontinue it, or to raise the pricing 10x, you're screwed.
You'd be able to move your data off of firestore. And there's legal business contracts around pricing. Google can't just raise pricing 10x overnight.
Sure, you can move it, but how much code will you need to rewrite? How much effort to convert the data to a new database format? And how much more development time to migrate your data without taking your service down during the migration?
It's a very expensive move that I don't think people consider when choosing this kind of solution.
If you're concerned that a service might shut down then you need to architect your application with that in mind, in which case how much of a rewrite is necessary is essentially up to you. Usually there's a tradeoff between going fast and engineering solutions that will work in the long term. Most startups never get to the stage where they need to swap out a service, so closely tying your application to a service is probably OK at the start.
If the service that shuts down is reasonably popular though it's likely there'll be very little code to change. API-compatible competitors will pop up to replace it. It happened when Parse closed.
The thing is, oftentimes these closed source database solutions aren't appreciably faster than choosing a managed solution that uses existing technology, like a hosted Postgres / MongoDB / whatever provider. In those cases your switching cost is vastly reduced, it's essentially a purely operational concern and your code doesn't need to change at all.
Have you used Firebase before? In my (rather limited) experience, the development speed increases from not needing to manage your own Mongo store, not to mention implementing all of their real-time features on top of that, are quite valuable. At least for an MVP I wouldn't hesitate to do the first version with Firebase to test my assumption even if I knew I wasn't going to use it at scale. Plus you can always wrap Firebase in your own layer from the beginning.
To your point and for precisely this reason, we offer realtime capabilities but on top of the Elasticsearch engine[1]. We also have a cloud native version in preview (that we are actively developing) which addresses deployment flexibility[2][3].
This is great. I had a feeling something like this was coming given most firebase people were pretty open about what the shortcomings of the Realtime DB were and AngularFire received some much needed attention to its database API last week.
That said, I really hope there are plans for some full text search ability beyond the current suggestions[1]. I would very much like to ditch Elasticsearch in favor of db engine provided search. Even a small subset of the Elasticsearch/Solr feature set (similar to the full text search capability now available for Postgres[2]) would be a very welcome addition.
I struggled with this too, but recently started using a small backend cloud function to send updates to Algolia (and query docs straight from the front end with the Algolia js script).
Does any of you feel cheated by Google? Rather than improving the existing product and providing backward compatibility, Google has chosen to build a new product with its own proprietary API.
I have a client who has invested significant amount time and money in Firebase Realtime Database. Now with this move, I am not sure if Google will support Firebase Realtime Database for next 5 years. So a full rewrite might be needed.
Once more it seems that going Cloud Native on one of Google's proprietary tools is very risky. I know many of the readers will say that Firebase Real-time Database is still supported. But the main question is: will it stay supported for years to come?
Google please please make an announcement and make a commitment to keep Firebase Realtime Database alive for "X" years to come. Otherwise, you are just making us developers lose faith in you.
[Firebase founder] To offer better querying, improve the data model, and increase scalability we had to build an entirely new database. The original technical choices we made as a startup weren't able to support the featureset Cloud Firestore has. Even if we tried to improve upon the existing Realtime Database product, we would have had to make breaking changes that would have required you to rewrite your code (and likely shipped a worse product).
Regarding deprecation: you can be comfortable continuing to build on the Realtime Database. We don't intend to deprecate either database, since both are useful in different situations, depending on what you're building. We recommend using the Realtime Database for a number of usecases[1]
We're not posting a "Realtime Database will be supported for X years" statement because many may interpret this as "the Realtime Database is deprecating in X years", which isn't the case.
Thanks for the clarification. I certainly feel better with the confirmation. I hope it will give some certainty to thousands of developers out there who decided to make Firebase Realtime Database a critical component of their product architecture.
Why the downvote ? The person is polite and genuinly doesn't know something.
Just answer.
Besides, a "document database", like many term in computing, can be very confusing. Come on, we all had to be explained what the difference is between a software server vs hardware. This is not different.
It doesn't look that way. We're happy to investigate these cases if you feel there's something fishy going on, but the guidelines ask you to please email us at hn@ycombinator.com so we can leave the discussions intact.
> Please don't accuse others of astroturfing or shillage. Email us instead and we'll look into it.
> Please don't comment about the voting on comments. It never does any good, and it makes boring reading.
Any post having to do with YC, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, etc are voting ringed to hell by their thousands of employees.
As the site has grown, HN has become a bit of a mouthpiece for large organizations through these de facto voting rings.
Best idea I have is for HN to add a profile field like: "Organizations: [google]" which would prevent voting on any Google-related submissions. It could also add a disclaimer in each comment of these submissions, so users wouldn't have to remember to do that.
> HN has become a bit of a mouthpiece for large organizations
In don't mind (in fact, appreciate) this aspect of HN as long as it's done openly and civilized.
> Best idea I have is for HN to add a profile field like: "Organizations: [google]" which would prevent voting on any Google-related submissions. It could also add a disclaimer in each comment these submissions, so users wouldn't have to remember to do that.
All of the listed corporations also have a large number of fanboys and haters, so are going to attract a large number of votes even if employees abstain.
It isn't even malicious - just a natural tendency people have. Like favoriting your friends picture on instagram even if it doesn't look too flattering.
I love that suggestion, but how would you validate it? Registering company domains would be an exhaustive process.
Agreed that it's not malicious. But it is insidious and should be prevented. There's only a half dozen large Silicon Valley orgs worth worrying about. Maybe a dozen domains.
Sounds interesting, but is there any independent description of what it cannot do, or what would be hard to do?
I just noticed it's much easier to understand a new datastore by reading its limitations (usually carefully omitted from pr articles or documentation).
For example, I suspect that Firestore must be built on top of Spanner infrastructure, as it's the only way to get usable cross-datacenter many-row transactions. And Spanner's limitation is it's high price. And if it's not Spanner, but more like Cloud Datastore or the old Megastore, then there should be limitations on transactions.
Sounds amazing anyway, more datastorage choices is always better for the world.
The firestore security rules dsl [1] looks like it could become cumbersome as the number of edge cases increases. I've briefly used firebase realtime database json rules [2] in a side project, and while basic acl scenarios can be covered cleanly, rules quickly tangle without a full programming language. It's hard to check syntax, lint, test, and collaboratively edit.
I believe this custom auth layer is best handled by allowing code with restricted api access and time constraints. The technical approach cloudflare used to implement its edge workers by embedding v8/js [3] would be perfect here.
The new rules language (which was already used by Cloud Storage) is a full programming language. It's not turing complete, but that's by design. Still, you can declare functions and do other complex things that were never possible with the Firebase Realtime Database JSON rules.
We're working on opening up the tools to work with the rules language so you can test and iterate more easily.
I’m still looking for a product that provides firebase-levels of ease of getting up and running (no API to design, rule-based authentication, etc) , but runs on your own infrastructure, off of a traditional RDBMS.
We offer this at appbase.io, it runs on top of Elasticsearch (no vendor lock-in) and a cloud native version that you can run anywhere is now available in preview at https://store.docker.com/images/appbaseio.
FYI, I couldn't even get it running because "hasuractl.exe local start" is not a valid command with the version of hasuractl (0.1.12) you have available for windows on this page:
Deepstream.io is a cloud platform and opensource real-time server that provides rule based permissions, authentication and a real-time data store that can be plugged into different any database (we use Postgres under the hood for the cloud).
It provides the same name document/collection concepts, but search abilities are still under development.
Side note, Im one of the cofounders :D
Generally this move by Firebase makes a lot of sense! Building large real-time apps usually requires smaller documents or else things get super odd at scale.
Honestly I don't mind. A document API with a little manipulation on the front-end would be fine, as long as the back-end has some way of running through the relations.
A SQL-ish API might even be better, although I can see some pitfalls. Maybe base it on GraphQL as a compromise?
This is amazing! I just spent yesterday writing a separate app engine service to use cloud datastore even though the rest of our stuff is on Firebase (RTDB wasn't a fit for us). Great to see this is out
How is the pricing? Firebase Realtime Database is fairly expensive ($5/GB of storage per month), so it makes economic sense for developers to migrate to their own backend once they hit a certain scale. This is why third-party mobile backends are nowhere near the popularity of non-mobile backends with Google Cloud / AWS.
Do you think $0.18 per 100000 writes solves this problem?
If you're concerned about price per GB stored, Cloud Firestore will be much cheaper than Realtime Database (0.18/GiB/month). We evaluated many use cases when deciding on prices and we believe developers will be happy with the new model.
However since Cloud Firestore charges by operation, it's important to evaluate your use case when thinking about pricing. For example if you're running a fleet of IoT devices checking in a few times per second with very small payloads, you'd be doing a lot of write operations with very little storage and Cloud Firestore could be more expensive in that case.
firebase <-- presence, real-time editing, chat, in-memory things
firestore <-- things that have a save/submit button, transactional database
quick question:
So the real-time features in firestore are not ideal for real-time text editors and chats. But saving documents from firebase after to user has left is perhaps a good middle ground.
Would firestore charge read for each reader that's listening in real-time when a document is updated?
I wouldn't say the difference is exactly that clear cut. Presence is a clear example of a situation where you want to use Realtime Database over Cloud Firestore. And you're right, for something that you would otherwise do "in memory" or use memcached/redis/etc Cloud Firestore may not be the right fit.
In my experience both databases are totally appropriate for a chat app. Even though in Cloud Firestore you will pay a document write for each new chat message, that's only $1.80 for a million chat messages and you get all the rich querying from the Cloud Firestore API.
> When you listen to the results of a query, you are charged for a read each time a document in the result set is added or updated. You are also charged for a read when a document is removed from the result set because the document has changed. (In constrast, when a document is deleted, you are not charged for a read.)
They have invested heavily over the lifetime of the company in avoiding providing support. That reputation can never be revived.
Google does not have direct customer support in its DNA, it has the opposite, whatever that is.
They have not demonstrated relentless commitment to being available to resolve issues, and nothing matters more than this if you've bet your company on their platform.
If something goes really wrong. Amazon has your back and you'll find someone who'll listen who has the power to resolve it. Google, you're stuffed. If you've built you're business around that thing that went wrong, well time for regret.
Personally, this has not been my experience of the Firebase team actually - for me they have always gone out of their way to help find solutions and give all kinds of advice.
It does not use CRDTs as they cannot be used to handle all the update requirements of this system.
It uses Paxos as the consensus algorithm, along with internal systems like the TrueTime API to enable us synchronously replicate across multiple data centers.
Looks great, however, I still have hopes that something similar to a GraphQL interface for a SQL based database is coming.
NoSQL is cool, but ultimately GraphQL/Apollo serves many of the same issues but has the capability of a much richer, standardized and potentially lower cost backend.
It seems as though there is just the capability for AND logic between the WHERE queries, is that correct. Is the any plans to add AND/OR and perhaps a concept for representing grouping like parentheses?
Is there any capability to perform joins or have the data populated at query time?
And for the last thing:
It is mentioned multiple times in the documentation that nested collections will not be deleted if the parent is deleted. I'm just curious why there isn't the capability to insert a document with options that would allow something like a cascade delete. Since you allow indexes on collections, there is obviously some sort of metadata maintained, why not just add an additional flag that could be set so that whenever a record is deleted it can optionally have its subcollections removed as well?
Great question! I'm the PM for both Cloud Datastore and Cloud Firestore.
The biggest difference is the integration with Firebase, so you have access to Mobile (iOS/Android) and Web SDKs along with a native offline mode. This comes along with the real-time synchronization feature that makes serverless app development a breeze.
Cloud Datastore is great for large scale server-side development where you manage your own connection to your app, such as running your own website on App Engine or via Compute/Container Engine.
Sure, it's strongly consistent on the server-side part (strict serializability), whereas for the mobile/web clients we make sure we move you through consistency snapshots with the real-time sync functionality.
> multi-region replicated database [..] once data is committed, it's durable [...]
> strongly consistent on the server-side
Do you mind elaborating a bit more here? Around perhaps what happens underneath the hood when failing over, etc. Do you have a single "co-ordinator" of sorts ensuring strict serializability, if so what do you do when failing this over? Or is it a quorum based approach like Paxos/Raft?
The offline database experience still looks really primitive compared to Realm, and all the documentation seems to purposefully avoid any details with regards to conflict resolution. Are there any plans to address this?
Having a consistent relational db background, I always feel a bit lost about the patterns provided to associate models in no-sql land. Firebase db was 'weird' when it came to associations, don't see that much changes here. The feature is available, but... Fire store provide 3 ways to do so, but why ? Going through the docs the results/benefits for each patterns remains unclear, the way to query each of those is not really understandable reading the docs. is this state will remains or is it a field that is potentially to be improved in the next releases ?
It might just be me misinterpreting your example, but having created the required records to run the following command ('var messageRef = db.collection('rooms').doc('roomA').collection('messages').doc('message1');'), i don't see no results. Or people is expected to understand that 'message1' stands for an object ?
I do like the new solution more than the Realtime Database, but I see only this solution to fit smaller scale. Applications with heavy write could get really expensive. Also, the standard plan has only "Maximum write rate to a document 1 per second". The write is currently three times expensive operation as read hopefully, this would be lowered in future.
Cosmos DB from Microsoft Azure seems to be a much better choose, because it provides tons of useful features, but it also compatible with MongoDB, so if they decide to increase prices or shut it down some day, you will be able to use regular MongoDB instead. With Firestore it's not the case and you are locked with a proprietary solution.
Great update, congratulations. It sounds similar to https://deepstream.io records - small JSON documents that are stored and synced in realtime across clients and can be arranged in lists and reference each other.
Cloud Firestore has native support for the "GeoPoint" data type and will eventually have support for native geo queries without any external library.
For this reason we are not going to invest in making a GeoFire library for Cloud Firestore and spend that effort getting the native functionality ready.
Why anyone still uses firebase when there's trivial to get running OSS ways of getting this done I'll never understand. People think stuff like this makes time to development smaller, I say it increases it deceptively
Another cool Google tech which will SUDDENLY go extinct when you need it most and which will ignore all of you support requests if it doesn't work properly and which will block you from all of you stuff in Google's system if you break smallest shady statement line in the TOS.
Do you really want to base your business on top of Google's stuff? Come on, even MS is more trustworthy than modern Google.
We built it because we know it can be challenging to build complex apps with our original database -- Firebase Realtime Database -- where we optimized for ease-of-use & real-time sync over querying functionality. For more info, see this comparison between the two[2].
This is a open beta launch, so the product has limitations[3] you should be aware of. We’ll be working to remove/raise these before General Availability.
A note on naming: Firebase launched in 2012[4] with a single product, the original database. As we added products (Firebase Auth / Firebase Hosting / etc), we began calling the original product ‘Firebase Realtime Database’, or RTDB for short. If you haven’t followed us lately, we’ve grown to become Google’s app platform, and now have 16 products to help you build/grow apps.
We’re grateful for the support HN has given us over the years and we hope you enjoy Cloud Firestore!
[1] https://cloud.google.com/datastore/ [2] https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/rtdb-vs-firestore [3] https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/quotas [4] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3832877