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Hier privacy is like a king. Everyone must ask permission to access any data, otherwise a legal hell will unleash.

Simply not true. Telekom gives your data on a plate to whichever agency wants to access it. To the point that an NSA watch post is 5 minutes away from the Telekom headquarters in Darmstadt.

Not anymore. Yes, they used to, but since some incidents with NSA spying Merkel&Co, they closed all such collaboration programs. Now they are building something like a closed garden, where only german interests have access.

If this is tamper and intrusion proof, this is other story.

The Merkel case was denounced by an infosec outsider during a local security event. The local government/news played down the shock and made sure that no real (legal) consequences would happen. Would therefore say that collaboration still happening, perhaps not so voluntarily with the new gov but doesn't really differ much.

More worrying is the dark fiber backbone between Frankfurt and Darmstadt and the satellite uplink from both space agencies placed on the same city. Plus the fact they keep hiring more contractors to work on that specific location. If critical networks are monitored, civilian networks stand less of a chance.

Judging by the country's past practices and the prevalent culture of "I value my privacy, yet want to know everything about you" I'd rather have the Americans or the Russians reading my mail.

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