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For a lot of applications: no, it's very similar, and if you have a language that can be easily statically compiled to a binary which is free of external dependencies and independently testable, and you've setup a build-test-deployment pipeline relying on that, then perhaps in your case containers are a solution in search of a problem :-)

But there are more benefits like Jessie touches upon in her blog post, wrt flexibility and patterns you can use with multiple containers sharing some namespaces, etc. And from the perspective of languages that do not compile to a native binary the containers offer a uniform way to package and deploy an application.

When I was at QuizUp and we decided to switch our deployment units to docker containers we had been deploying using custom-baked VM's (AMI's). When we first started doing that it was due to our immutable infrastructure philosophy, but soon it became a relied-upon and necessary abstraction to homogeneously deploy services whether they were written in python, java, scala, go, or c++.

Using docker containers allowed us to keep that level of abstraction while reducing overheads significantly, and due to the dockers being easy to start and run anywhere we became more infrastructure agnostic at the same time.

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