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Nobody mentioned unikernels yet? It's a bit unrelated to the containers discussion in this thread, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. They let you create an operating system image, which only includes the code you need. Nothing more, nothing less. This improves security, because the attack surface is reduced.

It makes a lot of sense too me when I think about how cloud computing works. Most of the time an operating system container, zone, jail, VM... is booted just to run a select number of processes. There is absolutely no need for a general purpose system. I think unikernels could really shine in this area.

MirageOS is a project that lets you create unikernels. It's written in OCaml, so it's interesting in more than one way. MirageOS images mostly run on Xen, by the way.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unikernel

[2] https://mirage.io/

So first step is containers as a service. And then this container can run as a unikernel as an implementation detail. Did I understand it correctly?

I asked a similar question yesterday. [0] The problem is that containers share the kernel of the hostOS, so you cannot host a unikernel without some kind of hardware virtualization, since the unikernel is obviously a different kernel from that of the host OS. However you can run qemu inside docker if you want to inherit its sandboxing and namespace configurations. The problem comes when you have to isolate resources, like network devices, at both the namespace level on the host OS, and the virtualization level inside qemu.

Intel's Clear Container project tries to solve this problem, but it's still limited by some virtualization overhead because qemu requires a tap device, which then connects to eth0 in a netns, which is one half of a veth pair with the host. So you end up creating 3 or 4 virtual Ethernet links just to route packets down to the guest.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13976125

Yeah, it seems to me that there's a sort of duality between a server OS + containers vs. a hypervisor OS + unikernels. Their both attempting to minimize the overhead of process isolation and deployment flexibility.

Meh, what's the big difference between providing PID1 and the kernel? You don't have nor want direct hardware access (bus, MMU), so what would be the principal advantage?

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