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This isn't a virtue. Containers solve problems in automated continuous-deployment environments where rebuilding and deploying your fleet of cattle is one click away. In the best case, no single container is alive for more than O(hours). Static linking solves way more operational problems than the loss of dynamic linking introduces, security or otherwise.

> This isn't a virtue. Containers solve problems in automated continuous-deployment environments where rebuilding and deploying your fleet of cattle is one click away.

This has literally zero to do with containers and everything to do with an automated deployment pipeline.

As a quick FYI: Those are not unique to containers.

> rebuilding and deploying your fleet

...this applies only software developed and run internally, which is a small fraction of all the software running in the world.

I agree that moving towards static linking, on balance, seems like a a reasonable tradeoff at this point, but it is hardly as cut and dried as a lot of people seem to think.

As one very minor point, it turns vulnerability tracking in to an accounting exercise, which sounds like a good idea until you take a look at the dexterity with which most engineering firms manage their AWS accounts. (Sure, just get better at it and it won't be a problem. That advice works with everything else, right?)

One's choice of deployment tools may slap a bandaid on some things, but that is not the same thing as solving a problem; that is automated bandaid application.

And odd pronouncements like any given container shouldn't be long lived are... odd. I guess if all you do is serve CRUD queries with them, that's probably OK.

As a final point, I feel like the container advocates are selling an engineer's view of how ops should work. As with most things, neutral to good ideas end up wrapped up with a lot of rookie mistakes, not to mention typical engineer arrogance[1]. Just the same thing you get anywhere amateurs lecture the pros, but the current hype train surrounding docker is enough to let it actually cause problems[2].

My takeaway is still the same as it was when the noise started. Docker has the potential to be a nice bundling of Linux capabilities as an evolution of a very old idea that solves some real problems in some situations, and I look forward to it growing up. In the mean time, I'm bored with this engineering fad; can we get on with the next one already?

[1] One very simple example, because I know someone will ask: Kubernetes logging is a stupid mess that doesn't play well with... well, anything. And to be fair, ops engineers are no better with the arrogance.

[2] Problems like there being not even a single clearly production-ready host platform out of the box. Centos? Not yet. Ubuntu? Best of the bunch, but still hacky and buggy. CoreOS? I thought one of the points was a unified platform for dev and prod.

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