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They're VM's but much more efficient and start faster. There's a clever but shockingly naive build system involved. That's pretty much it.

Going beyond this you get orchestration - which you can certainly do with VM's but it's slow; and various hangovers from SOA rebadged and called microservices.

But they're really, really efficient compared to VM's.

> The're VM's

They are definitely not VMs.

> But they're really, really efficient compared to VM's.

I think that the virtualisation CPU overhead is below 1%. Layered file systems are possible with virtual machines as well so disk space usage could be comparable.

What do you mean that they are "really, really efficient" ?

5-10%, realistically, with some very informal testing. Not really a particularly big deal.

Really really efficient relates to how many containers can be run on a given system vs VM's. About 10x as many.

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