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> That being the case, why not just use the OS? And processes and shared libraries?

That's essentially what a Linux container is: a process (that can fork) with its own shlib. If you have lots of processes that don't need to be isolated from each other and can share the same shlib, then no, you don't need this mechanism.

Okay, so it's a nice self-contained packaging mechanism that obviates dependency hell. Sounds a bit like a giant lexical closure that wraps a whole process. And from which escape is somewhat difficult. Makes sense.

> the same shlib, then no, you don't need this mechanism

And if you want to use a modern development tool chain you don't really have this choice. They produce statically linked binaries that need, at minimum, their own process and TCP port (if you run a proxy which when you think about it is pretty wasteful).

There is no good reason (other than ease of tool chain development) for that, and it's probably cost hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in servers and power, but there you go.

PHP and Java are essentially the only languages with good support for running without containers, and Java isn't even used that way usually.

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