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Ask HN: A book or course on novel writing basics
6 points by bizon on March 26, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I think you might have more luck here: http://writers.stackexchange.com/

So many to choose from... your bookstore or library has an entire shelf devoted to this topic.

A few that I've read John Gardner's -- On Fiction How to Write a Blockbuster Novel Story (more about screenwriting, but very useful to novelists) Bird by Bird

None of these are particularly focused at the novice novel writer. Good luck!

Stephen King has a good book on writing.

Read a lot of novels that are bestsellers and some that are complete crap.

"How not to write a novel" may be a good first read https://www.amazon.com/Write-Novel-Them-Misstep-Misstep/dp/0...

Some good suggestions in the thread, but I hope you are an avid reader of the genre you wish to work in? Good writers have to be keen, discerning readers.

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