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How in god's name could this be anything like a high school essay. Are you made of stone?

There's lots of talented writers doing high school essays - all the best writers that you have read wrote high school essays too.


It's not exactly like HN is flooded with this kind of story, the last similar one I can think of was about Mohammed Bzeek and that was a couple weeks ago. It's a friday, some of us (me!) are probably counting the hours at work and appreciate a heartfelt story. I can appreciate the occasional step outside the norm.

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Did you read the whole thing? Or, like, the title?

I mean, if you are really too hard-hearted to understand that life can end suddenly, and that you should cherish your connections with others, then I pity you.

And if you don't see how a reminder to lift your head up from your work once in a while is relevant on HN, then this story is precisely for people like you.

I'm writing from a point of innocent curiosity:

> I mean, if you are really too hard-hearted to understand that life can end suddenly, and that you should cherish your connections with others, then I pity you.

Is this really what this essay was about? Using off-hand literary analysis, it's only a story, albeit a sad one, about a woman who's about to die, publicly absolving her husband from the sin of dating after your spouse has died.

She mentions she wants "more":

> I want more time with Jason. I want more time with my children. I want more time sipping martinis at the Green Mill Jazz Club on Thursday nights.

But, this is only a small part of this piece and the connection that people need to focus less on their jobs and more on their lives seems to be a guilty conscience projecting its own meaning onto a, arguably, blank canvas.

There is no underlying meaning here. The author is days away from being dead and it shows. She doesn't have the characteristic panic of the just-enlightened who've learned they will die. Nor is she showing any fight.

The story plays out like a fever dream. It would be coarse to call it a rambling, but that is how it came out.

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