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there was something similar to this for synthetic biology too, though it was much further along with a complete sdk to do basic, ummm, synthesis? does anyone know what it was?

regardless, this is dope.

Possibly BioBricks and the parts registry: http://partsregistry.org/Main_Page

Or iGEM: http://2010.igem.org/Main_Page

If neither of them perhaps DIYBio could point you in the right direction: http://diybio.org/

wow, thanks dude, diybio looks like an awesome little community, some interesting looking projects too

At the moment the focus seems to be mainly educational and artistic. It looks like they're struggling getting more research type projects going but there is certainly a lot of potential in the community which I hope will lead to good things.

You may already be aware of it but if you're interested in biology/medicine you might want to take a look at http://hackermed.com/ as well which kyro is trying to get going. Only just started so users and content are lacking but again hopefully good things will come from it.

nah, that's the only one i can pull up whenever i go hunting, its frustrating because i can't even remember what was really differentiating about it, i just remember thinking "wow, this is gonna be friggen awesome... once i learn biology"

ah well.

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