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I was a long time pjax/turbolinks user but always felt like I was pushing the boundaries of what these technologies were doing and always wished for more functionality.

I tried out several client side frameworks but always felt like it was way overkill for the apps I built.

I gave intercooler.js a try a few months ago and was extremely pleased. There's very little server side that's required and the extra functionality I had wanted from pjax was there.

If you're wanting the simplicity of server side rendering plus the feel of an SPA without the frontend complexity give this library a try.

Agreed. I am also using intercooler to replace jquery-pjax because of some fine touches that were hard to implement with jquery-pjax. It makes it very easy to take a server-side Django/Rails/ASP.NET MVC app and decorate all the links to eliminate full page loads, move complex inline editors to modal dialogs, etc., without a lot of complexity on the front end.

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