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One person who has spent a lot of time looking at and thinking about this problem is Nadia Eghbal. She has a repository called "Lemonade Stand"[1], which is a resource that lists a number of ways to fund open source development, and she wrote a paper on the topic of "digital infrastructure" being built on top of open source projects[2]. She also co-hosts a podcast called Request for Commits[3].

Another person worth looking at would be Eric Holscher, who's Twitter feed frequently has interesting insights into running an open source project as your full-time job[4].

The best bet if you want to do open source full-time would be to work at a company like GitLab[5] or Sentry[6], but that does restrict the exact kinds of open source work you can do (at least during working hours).

[1]: https://github.com/nayafia/lemonade-stand [2]: http://www.fordfoundation.org/library/reports-and-studies/ro... [3]: https://changelog.com/rfc [4]: https://twitter.com/ericholscher/status/752572876138565632 [5]: https://about.gitlab.com/ [6]: https://sentry.io/

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