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The next billion dollar startup will be a self-reprogramming, employee-less AI company which can self-produce memetic lolcat videos and celebtity gossip. >.< Unfortunately it all comes crashing down when the Twitter bot becomes obsessed with Godwin's law tropes (never happened before) and starts a political action committee (PAC) to advance it's self-directed agenda... not much different from the human world. Instead of firing as in human employees, the PR supervision process will say the Twitbot was "retrained from scratch" (reformatted) and instructed to ignore some taboo topics. ;)

In other news, humans now have even fewer jobs to do... all those idle people without jobs (ie, truck/taxi drivers, pilots, ship captains, BS office jobs) are completely, harmless, disorganized and bear absolutely no ill will against the vast majority of new wealth trickling upwards at an accelerating rate, into fewer hands.

You posted it as ironic, but after reading your idea there are 5 teams feverishly working on it. :) By the way, how does lolcat-aio-matic.com sounds to you?

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